Thursday, October 17, 2013

Constant Contemplation...Thoughts from the Road

Queen of Swords, Mystic Fairy Tarot:

My last post alluded to the fact that I have set out on a journey...seeking the esoteric in my everyday path (in fact I have been doing this for quite some time, but now I have officially left home).  I have left the nest with my cards on hand. For me Tarot cards serve as a magical guide, allowing me to tune in and track syncs as I engage with the symbols of the cards, uncovering their meaning in my 3rd dimensional life.

I recognize that my life's circumstances have made me seemingly withdrawn, cool, and reserved. And I have very much been confronted with breaking these aspects of myself, built up through living and engaging with trying life circumstances for quite some time. In fact the card write up for the Queen of Swords which I pulled from The Mystic Fairy Tarot today stated:

This write up is very much tied to who I am and how I feel at this time. I am delving into self, realizing that I have a hard time trusting, and yet I find that one of the keys is to trust in source, and the constant energy of never ceasing support. I am blocking my own manifestations with a lack of faith in others, due to traumas of the past that I am on this journey working to release. Other guidance has alerted me to the fact that it is in the chance meetings, and my openness with my dreams and goals that will allow my manifestations to happen.

Fairy tales and the Bible remind us to always walk in kindness, with an open heart, willing to share because you never know when you are entertaining an angel or fairy unaware. People are inherently good.  I am on a journey to remember that, while also tracking personal syncs and symbols along the way, rebirthing my faith and trust in fellow man, along with my faith and trust in self.

Below is a stained glass piece that I have encountered on my journey, in it there is a symbol that is extremely personal to me. Seek and ye shall find, this is one of the symbols I seek as a guide...

Dream, Love, Know...JYN Star

Wednesday, October 02, 2013

Change~ The Goddess Pele has Entered my Life

I am a traveller at heart and the syncs of life have sent me out on a journey, testing me to walk the walk and hit the road in search of deepening my life experiences. I am not alone, I am on this journey with my life partner, and as I go over photos and video clips captured over the last five years, I realize that this trip has been a long time in the making.

This trip is a key to helping me unlock the mysteries that are embodied in my journey and inquiry into the deeper/hidden aspects of the human experience, bits and pieces of which have been captured on Nereid's Enchantments. So now this blog is taking on yet another dimension as I journey into the unknown and hit the road in search of personal and universal truth.

Searching for the truth I am. Truth of God and truth of Man...Today I stepped off the precipice of the fool and hit the road in order to reconnect with myself, appreciating the mysterious wonder that is life each and every day.

Dream, Love, Know... <3 JYN Star

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Reflections, Review, Moving Forward Renewed....

Hello again my beloved friend!  I have missed writing here, but in the months that I have been absent from posting on Nereids' Enchantments I have been immersed in personal research for my writing project.  This has also been an intense time of personal reflection. I have really delved into my inner self and psyche in order to discern the next steps on my path. I have been over taken in researching mythology and its symbolism and allegory, along with looking into the origins of civilization and how the work and scholarship of ancient times extends into present day.

One of the main keys that I have uncovered lies in the understanding of the procession of the equinox, for the ancients were master astronomers who understood the cycles of time and and the cyclical nature of Earth, the path of the sun, and the cycles of the seasons.  For me my connection to Earth increased as I delved into the astronomical cycles that are effecting each and every one of us everyday.  The book Cosmos and Psyche by Richard Tarnas does and excellent job of breaking down the historical patterns that have appeared in western culture, and how these cyclical patterns tie into the alignment of the planets.  This is a book of high scholarship, and does an excellent job in shedding light on the fact that we are effected by cosmic patterns.

Syncretism is also a major guiding factor for me at this time.  I am lead by the signs of the universe that are revealed to each and every one of us so that we can uncover our correct path.  It is guidance from the higher self, which becomes revealed when you align with the magic of Earth, and the gift of life, which we are all here experiencing on this plane.  Life is magic, and the patterns of nature are a magical key.  I am really trying to learn to fall into the flow of life, letting myself energetically feel my way through each and every day, and today I was drawn back to my blog...

I am not the only one, a movement is going on!  Many are awakening to the illusions of this plane.  Alice teaches us that life is but a dream, and as I awake, the more I see of the illusion.  I am following my heart and letting life be my guide,  I have big dreams and a big vision, creator...CREATE!

Dream, Love, Know... JYN Star

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Poetry by JYN Star~ The Hermit's Guide

I just posted a new original poem on my poetry blog...Enjoy!

Poetry by JYN Star: The Hermit's Guide: Truth is the light that I seek The spark that I see Igniting in me As I build my own home Wrapped in the unknown I know that following...

Daily Card Reading~ 10 The Wheel (Wildwood Tarot)

Below you will find the link to my daily card reading on my Tarot Blog.  Following yesterdays theme of FATE this card was a perfect fit!

Tarot by JYN Star: Daily Card Reading~ 10 The Wheel (Wildwood Tarot): Wild Wood Tarot by Mark Ryan and John Matthews Hello All!  It had been a long time since I posted a daily card reading on my tarot blo...

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

The Pope's Resignation~ Did it lead to a sign from above?

February 11, 2013 Lightening Strikes the Vatican

The link below takes you to an interesting article and video clips about the recent lightening strike on Saint Peter's Basilica in Rome.  These are interesting times that we are living through!  Enjoy.

For more on the prophecy of the popes dictated in is the Wikipedia link on this fascinating topic:  The Prophecy of the Pope. I guess my theme for today is prophecy.  I am listening to another great interview on this current and most real time prophecy entitled Who is Petrus Romanus? Enjoy Below.

Fate and Mythology~ The House of Thebes (Oedipus)

I have really been delving into the Greek archives of myth lately, and boy have my readings made me contemplate the concept of fate!  I have been re-reading the story of Oedipus Rex, contemplating how it is a treatise on how we are all at the mercy of a higher power that is working for the highest good, or simply making sure that we experience in this lifetime that which we are meant to.  Unfortunately for Oedipus and his family, his ardent efforts to evade prophecy are in fact the actions that lead to the prophecy being fulfilled. He ends up killing his father, copulating with his mother, and having offspring that are both siblings and his progeny.

Re-reading this tragedy, it stood out to me how I have learned the most in times of strife.  When I had to work through tragedy and pain, finding meaning in heartache has proven to be my biggest teacher.  Losing a loved one is the path that has lead many to spiritual awakening (including myself).  Loss forced me to contemplate the  deeper meaning to life, and my purpose here on Earth.  Our time here is truly a wonder, I am constantly humbled be the fact that I am living life, with the aid of my five senses, experiencing what it means to walk the planet as a human being.  Our consciousness is truly the key, and awakening to the subtle realms is what opens up life and its mysterious dimensions!

Time and again I am reminded that ignorance can truly lead to the downfall of man along with hubris.  Hubris is what leads Oedipus to being over zealous in seeking the murderer of King Lauis; when he in fact is the person that he sought.  I realized while reading Edith Hamilton's Mythology that the plays of the Greeks were enacted during the festivals of Dionysus, which allowed the secrets of his mysteries to be taken in by all.  It is interesting to note that the Greeks veiled their allegory within the tragedies, I think this is because they too understood that we learn the most when confronted with adversity.  Ironically, at the end of Oedipus Rex, the king realizes how his eyes had not truly been viewing the reality that is his world, and therefore he decides to put the lights out, by taking his sight.  Another irony is the old prophet of the play Tiresias who is also blind, is the one who is truly able to see, informing Oedipus that he is in fact the murderer of his father, even though at the time of the reveal, Oedipus was blind to the truth.

Assuming the you hold all the facts without ever consulting a source, is the height of ignorance, and the myths convey the fact that when you choose to lead your life in this way, it paves the way for your downfall.  Always seek to shed light on your path, for here is where you find truth.  Yet, you must also delve into your internal darkness in order to be illumined to the light.  I feel all of these truths are being conveyed within the story of the House of Thebes.  When living myth you awaken to the allegories that life experiences are meant to reveal to you!

Dream, Love, Know... JYN Star

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Natalie Merchant~ Wonder

What I am listening to right now!

Lyrics to Wonder
Doctors have come from distant cities
Just to see me
Stand over my bed
Disbelieving what they're seeing

They say I must be one of the wonders
Of god's own creation
And as far as they can see they can offer
No explanation

Newspapers ask intimate questions
Want confessions
They reach into my head
To steal the glory of my story

They say I must be one of the wonders
Of god's own creation
And as far as they can see they can offer
No explanation

O, I believe
Fate smiled and destiny
Laughed as she came to my cradle
Know this child will be able
Laughed as my body she lifted
Know this child will be gifted
With love, with patience and with faith
She'll make her way

People see me
I'm a challenge to your balance
I'm over your heads
How I confound you and astound you
To know I must be one of the wonders
Of god's own creation
And as far as you can see you can offer me
No explanation

O, I believe
Fate smiled and destiny
Laughed as she came to my cradle
Know this child will be able
Laughed as she came to my mother
Know this child will not suffer
Laughed as my body she lifted
Know this child will be gifted
With love, with patience and with faith
She'll make her way

Saturday, January 05, 2013

Daily Card Reading~ 8 of Cups RWS

Below you will find the link to my daily card reading from my Tarot blog...Enjoy.

Tarot by JYN Star: Daily Card Reading~ 8 of Cups RWS:   Hello All!  I hope that you are having an enjoyable 2013!  I have not posted a daily card reading since September because I have been...