Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Uranus Squaring Pluto~ Barbara Hand Clow

Today Barbara Hand Clow released another article on Uranus Squaring Pluto. 
These squares will happen several times up until 2015.  This article talks about the effect that these squares are having on our creativity.

Personally, I resonated with every single word! I have been delving into various spiritual texts, and when reading Hand Clow's latest article, I immediately thought about the positive influence A Course in Miracles has had on me ever since I began reading this book.  In fact, many of the teachings that I am reading reinforce the importance of focusing on the intuitive right brain.  "Right" thinking is referred to time and again in spiritual texts.  Learning to listen to your intuitive guide (our connection with source), while also quelling the voice of the ego, really seems to be showing itself as a key for me as I work and research.

I have been delving into the podcast the Hermetic Hour with Poke Runyon, and it has been helping me connect so much as I progress on my spiritual journey.  Poke explians how each individual is the center of their universe, and as such their incarnation on earth is an experience that is unique to them.  This understanding is also a key factor in the manifestation of miracles.

Hand Clow has stated that this past summer was a heavy time for many (including myself) but that when the individual focuses on the positives of a situation and goes with the flow, then he or she will create in a more positive direction.  This really had been the case for me.  I have tried to remain as calm as I can as the storm rages on all around me, and I have noticed that my spiritual insights are deepening daily.

For me in seeking truth, comparative religion has shown itself to be incredibly helpful.  With the Bible as the main spiritual text that I have been studying and decoding.  I feel that in this lifetime I should focus on the Bible and other text rooted in the Christian esoteric tradition since I incarnated into a family that practices the Christian faith.  Accepting that the Bible is a book of allegory, a historical record of astronomical occurrences, history, astrotheology, and many other things has made my journey into the old and new testaments incredibly rich.

Myth, folklore, and other spiritual texts have been keys as well: Grimm's Household Tales, The Arabian Nights, The Ramayana, The Bhagavad Gita, and The Koran (just to name a few).  These books hold truth and enlightenment for those who have the eyes to see and the ears to hear.  Happy reading and happy seeking!

Dream, Love, Know... JYN Star

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Daily Card Reading~2 of Wands (Enchanted Forest Tarot)

Below you will find the link to my daily card reading on my Tarot blog. 
Dream, Love, Know... ~JYN Star

Tarot by JYN Star: Daily Card Reading~2 of Wands (Enchanted Forest Ta...:     Today for my daily card reading I drew the two of wands from the Enchanted Forest Tarot.  This is always a powerful time of ye...

Friday, September 14, 2012

Daily Reading~ The Devil with a 6 of Pentacles Pop...

Below you can find a link to today's tarot reading...Enjoy! ~JYN
Dream, Love, Know...

Tarot by JYN Star: Daily Reading~ The Devil with a 6 of Pentacles Pop...: Over the years I have fallen in and out of my love affair with the Tarot. Yet, I realize that even when I put the cards aside, they are al...

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Dream, Love, Know...

This is a pivotal post as I take my next steps in really establishing my vision and focus. I have been contemplating  my research and book project as I pull it all together.  This blog, and my sister blog sites are pivotal to the future self that I am establishing in the now, and this will all become apparent when my work starts to fall in place.

One of my key steps as I move to the next level with this manifestation, is the address the flaw in my adage, that came to me when I began this project.  My tag has been: Dream, Love, Believe... It has meant to follow your dreams, with your heart as your guide, and the belief that your dream will manifest in the physical 3rd dimensional reality.

Well many signs have told me that I have graduated to the next level, and I am no longer guided by believing in something.  Instead, I KNOW that we are reincarnated beings, a fact that was removed from the bible sometime in 500AD.  For more on the deception within the bible look into Santos Bonacci and his research, he is on fire right now!  I truly miss his radio show on American Freedom Radio, but he has shown up as a guest to some very key shows speaking truth.  Santos was one of my teachers who made me see that it was time for my adage to be changed...

We are born with a knowing that we loose as we descend into this 3rd dimensional reality.  We are programmed to hold tight to our BELIEFS. My meditations have shown that instead perhaps there is a change that needs to occur in our thinking.  Truth should be sought, even if it makes you uncomfortable, because in truth lies the light.  In truth there lies a KNOWING.  We must dream to conceive. Love is what should guide us all, and in love you will find peace.  And finally, there is a knowing that we all should seek.  The truth exists in many forms for those who have the eyes to see the ears to hear.

Dream, Love, Know... JYN Star