Friday, August 26, 2011

Elder Don Alejandro: Mayan Message to the World

Given my recent post on the Mayan Calendar, I thought I would share this clip of a Mayan elders message to the world! Enjoy.

A&E(Astrology): Secret in the Stars - Part 1 of 5

I have been doing research for several books (which I am writing). This research has me looking at history, and I find it interesting that historically all major scholars considered Astrology as one of the core subjects. The study of the stars has been with us since ancient times. In fact the A&E clip on Astrology that I have included with this post, states that we can trace the study of the stars back 20,000 to Paleolithic Man.

The modern day church has distanced itself from the study of the stars, when in fact much of the Bible is coded astrology (Astrotheology). In fact, did you know that Easter is determined by the date of the first full moon after the Vernal Equinox (March 21), and is celebrated on the following Sunday. Or the fact that we are currently in the age of Pisces (hence the Jesus fish used by the church). There are many examples of coded astrology within the bible, and Christian practices. Two years ago, when I visited Prague, there was a beautiful church with a clock, surrounded by astrological symbols (this is common practice in old European churches, many of which are built on top of older Pagan sacred sites).

Some interesting highlights form the A&E documentary:

* The invasion of Alexander the Great (in the Middle East) in 331 BC brought Babylonian Astrology back to the Greeks
* Many past leaders have hired and Astrologer to aid with their decisions, including Elizabeth I whose astrologer was Dr. John Dee
* In 1914 famous Astrologer Evangeline Adams is arrested based on an obscure NYC law, but later has the case dismissed after accurately predicting an outcome of an anonymous person (she said that the person whose chart she was doing would die early in a swimming accident, which in fact did happen, the chart was for the deceased son of the judge who died in a swimming accident)

One issue that stood out to me in the piece above, was when they touched on the Mayan Calendar. A quote from the documentary referencing 2012 "Cosmos would come to an end, and a profound new order would be established". To me, this quote seems to perpetuate fear, when in fact many scholars believe that the calendar is tracking the evolution of consciousness. So, that when the calendar ends, it may be symbolic of a completion in past consciousness as are minds expand beyond the constriction of 3D linear space and time. See my post on the Mayan Calendar for further information. What are your thoughts?

Dream, Love, Believe... ~JYN

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

George Carlin - We Like War

This clip is twenty years old, and still so relevant! Although, we would all be wise to become symbolically literate...more on that in later posts. Enjoy the above clip, JYN.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Saturday, August 20, 2011

My blog title spotted in Herodotus

How cool! I found an excerpt with the title of my blog right form the pages of myth...

"For the storm continued during three days; but at last the Magians, making sacrifice of victims and singing incantations to appease the Wind by enchantments, [198] and in addition to this, offering to Thetis and Nereids, caused it to cease on the fourth day, or else for some reason it abated of its own will. Now they offered sacrifice to Thetis, being informed by the Ionians of the story that she was carried off from the place by Peleus, and that the whole headland of Sepias belonged to her and to the other Nereids."

From: The Seventh Book of the Histories, call Polymnia

Cherish Life (Summer 2011)

I am sitting here, working, daydreaming, and kinda thinking about
the past...the days when I was carefree! Deep down we
always know, we have the power!

Mermaids have been coming through for me recently, as I
settle into the end of summer, transitioning into fall. What are
your thoughts on the summer 2011 and its energy?

This summer has shown me to cherish life, always, we are here for a reason! Go within to find out why, and then make your dreams happen!

Dream, Love, Believe...

Friday, August 05, 2011

Tarot and Beyond...

Hello everyone! I have been thinking and planning over the last several days, and am excited about the path that I have mapped out for upcoming posts! I have gotten several hits on the Tarot postings, and am happy that people are reading :)

I will continue my musings on the Tarot, with the hope that more people look at the deck for study and self reflection. If you are already a reader, I hope that I am able to add to your studies, with my own thoughts about the cards, and the magic that they create, when they connect us to our guide within.

However, I am not solely focused on Tarot, and have much more to come, including a look at Egypt (both modern and ancient) in a way, I am certain most have not seen!

In Tarot, I will begin to write about the Major Arcana (previous blog posts, give an introduction to the the cards, their history, and make-up), which is a metaphor for the hero's quest, researched and explained by Joseph Campbell (If you would like more information, a great book to read: A Hero With a Thousand Faces). The Major Arcana can also be termed the journey of the fool or soul. These cards highlight moments on the path of the seeker (which we all represent, the seeker is seen as the fool within the card deck). The Major Arcana highlights steps/rites of passage as we learn, grow, and head towards enlightenment.

The psychologist Carl Maslow, referred to this journey as a hierarchy, that we navigate, as we head towards self actualization (enlightenment). However, he recognized that not everyone would actually reach the top of the pyramid (his model, is set into the framework of a pyramid) within this lifetime. Examples of enlightened humans, include the Ascended Masters: Jesus, Buddha, Mary, Confucius. Historical teachers, that went through the journey of the fool (awakening) and came out enlightened, and in turn spread their message of truth to the rest of the world.

The Tarot highlights, we are all on a journey, as we seek out meaning to our existence, the path is not easy, hence some of the "darker" cards like death, the tower, devil, and judgement. But, always remember the cards have layered meanings, and can hold several insights, depending on the other cards drawn, and the seekers question. Take death for instance, with every door that closes, another opens, so all that dies, makes way for something new!

Readers are finding my blog, and it excites me! I would love to begin and establish a community here on Nereids' Enchantments, so if you have the time, and are inspired, please leave your thoughts, comments and opinions!!! Thank you for reading.