Thursday, May 28, 2009

Inspirational Quote (Something to Ponder)

From The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success (A Pocketbook Guide to Fulfilling Your Dreams)  by Deepak Chopra
"We need a more spiritual approach to success and to affluence, which is the abundant flow of all good things to us.  In Spiritual terms, success is measured by how efficiently, how effortlessly we co-create with the universe.  Hard work, struggle, and frustration are the opposite of what the ancient sages taught; they knew that the spirit lies at the source of all achievement in life."

As I embark on this journey of starting and running my own business, I keep the above words in mind.  Each day, I try and set aside a time to meditate.  Clearing  my mind of the everyday stress and focusing on my inner voice and guide.  I can get overwhelmed with the logistics of getting my name and brand out to the world.  However, at the end of the day I just have to believe in myself.  I trust that the time and the effort that I am putting into coming up with ideas and products, will in the end pay off.  

Right now my business is in the initial stages, and I am uncertain of the road that lies ahead.  I am working and pushing towards living my dreams! As life unfolds, I shall see what happens...

Dream, Love, Believe... JYN

Monday, May 18, 2009


I have been in my garden a lot recently, weeding and planting.  At the nurseries, I have really been drawn to Lavender. This herb is great because of its calming effects, that is why it is such a favorite in aromatherapy.  I have always used Lavender essential oil in the tub (a few drops) allows you to relax, soaking in the scent.

Another tip, a drop of Lavender essential oil rubbed into each temple relieves headaches.  I used this tip the other night and it really helped (hopefully no more Tylenol!).  Fi

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Nereids' Enchantments

Hello All,

I have decided to link a blog to my official business page.  I actually created this blog sometime ago BUT never made it public.  Today, I have decided to delete all posts and start from scratch.  I want this blog to grow alongside my business (Nereids' Enchantments), which I have not yet officially launched, but I am in the process of putting together.  This blog will include a bit of everything.  From what is on my mind at the time, politics, entertainment, tips on gardening, herbs, essential oil scents and uses, to much more.  I have wanted to maintain a blog for quite some time, so now I figure there is no better time than the present.