Sunday, December 30, 2012

Contemplative Thoughts Heading into 2013


I find it interesting that as we move past the Solstice point of 2012 that so much misinformation is flying around regarding the so called Mayan Apocalypse.  Daily on the news we are bombarded with senseless tragic stories that can grip us and send us into a negative state of reflection, during this most magical and potent of times.

It is funny that as much as I have loved the study of the occult, from the time that I was a teenager, the Mayan end date for their calendar never really struck me as important.  And yet, the sync nature of my studies led me to take a closer look at the end date based on books that stood out to me on two separate occasions at the book store.  Red Ice Radio I believe was the first point that got me in touch with Dr. Carl Johan Calleman and Barbara Hand Clow and their synthesis of his Calleman Matrix, in which Dr. Calleman unlocked the time acceleration factor that exists within the calendar.  Getting in touch with both of their theories regarding 2012 served as a beneficial tool for unlocking the patterns that were occurring within current events of the collective, as I listened to radio interviews with both of these teachers that linked the cycles of time to current events at specific points throughout 2011, I realized that human are led by a force greater than themselves.  Throughout time the human race has lived in cycles, and Dr. Calleman does and excellent job tracking these cycles in his book The Mayan Calendar and the Transformation of Consciousness.  Hand Clow then took Calleman's theories and merged them with her own in her analysis within the book Mayan Code.

In fact Calleman's theory for the Mayan Calendar placed the end date at the end of October 2011 (on the same day that the occupy movement began to sweep the nation) so according to these two researchers the Mayan end date had come and gone months ago.  And yet, I feel it is important to note that the Mayans understood time cycles and patterns.  And therefore, with the end date comes a rebirth, where things start anew.  This fact is embedded within the symbol of the circle, in which the Mayan calendar is.  In Tarot the allusion for the wheel of life can be seen in the Wheel of Fortune card, marking the fact that all humans once they incarnate into the third dimension are caught in the sine wave and cycles of time, which ebb and flow in a cyclical nature.

So, now that we have passed the end date recognized by the collective, I find it funny that I hear so much misinterpretation of what the Mayans meant by placing an "end date" on their intricate and mysterious calendar.  We have passed the fulcrum point of December 21, 2012 in which leading into this most auspicious of dates, we encountered the date portal of 12/12/12 during the energy of a New Moon and a meteor shower.  Then on 12/21/12 we had the longest night of the year, in which Earth passed through the Galactic Center, as we now transition into the Age of Aquarius.  This was followed by a Cancer Full Moon on December 28, 2012.  And on Christmas night Jupiter and the Moon shown side by side in the night's sky!  

Even if you were not cognizant of all of these celestial events, your body which is in tune with the planet and its cycles was well aware of the subtle changes that these events have on you and your psyche. And yet, if you were plugged into the programming of mass media, you may have been caught up in the reflection of yet another mass trauma, that was most likely removed from your life and your daily struggle and situation.  So, in these times remember to be reflective, and discern the message that is at the heart of things, knowing that you are always okay, even in the midst of crisis.  Change is always a marker for new beginnings, and life is a constant cycle of death and rebirth.  This time of year it is easy to get caught up in the material nature of things, when in truth, the winter is the time to rest, reflect, and hibernate.  So, remember to also make time to turn within.

Dream, Love, Know... Wishing you all the best in the upcoming New Year! JYN Star

Monday, December 10, 2012

TIme to Write!

Wow, I realize that it has been a few months since I have posted on my blog.  I have been diligently researching and writing my book projects, and it has not left me much other writing time.  Slowly, it all comes together.  As I write my books, I appreciate this blog and the foundation that is laid here, representing an integral component to the whole project, and all that Unlocking Nereids' Enchantments entails.  For now, I must keep on writing in the book format, where my vision is really coming together! I will be back soon, once again creating in this format. I just wanted you to know that I am putting the pen to the books are intrinsically entwined with this blog, and I can't wait for when it all comes together!

Dream, Love, Know.  JYN Star

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Uranus Squaring Pluto~ Barbara Hand Clow

Today Barbara Hand Clow released another article on Uranus Squaring Pluto. 
These squares will happen several times up until 2015.  This article talks about the effect that these squares are having on our creativity.

Personally, I resonated with every single word! I have been delving into various spiritual texts, and when reading Hand Clow's latest article, I immediately thought about the positive influence A Course in Miracles has had on me ever since I began reading this book.  In fact, many of the teachings that I am reading reinforce the importance of focusing on the intuitive right brain.  "Right" thinking is referred to time and again in spiritual texts.  Learning to listen to your intuitive guide (our connection with source), while also quelling the voice of the ego, really seems to be showing itself as a key for me as I work and research.

I have been delving into the podcast the Hermetic Hour with Poke Runyon, and it has been helping me connect so much as I progress on my spiritual journey.  Poke explians how each individual is the center of their universe, and as such their incarnation on earth is an experience that is unique to them.  This understanding is also a key factor in the manifestation of miracles.

Hand Clow has stated that this past summer was a heavy time for many (including myself) but that when the individual focuses on the positives of a situation and goes with the flow, then he or she will create in a more positive direction.  This really had been the case for me.  I have tried to remain as calm as I can as the storm rages on all around me, and I have noticed that my spiritual insights are deepening daily.

For me in seeking truth, comparative religion has shown itself to be incredibly helpful.  With the Bible as the main spiritual text that I have been studying and decoding.  I feel that in this lifetime I should focus on the Bible and other text rooted in the Christian esoteric tradition since I incarnated into a family that practices the Christian faith.  Accepting that the Bible is a book of allegory, a historical record of astronomical occurrences, history, astrotheology, and many other things has made my journey into the old and new testaments incredibly rich.

Myth, folklore, and other spiritual texts have been keys as well: Grimm's Household Tales, The Arabian Nights, The Ramayana, The Bhagavad Gita, and The Koran (just to name a few).  These books hold truth and enlightenment for those who have the eyes to see and the ears to hear.  Happy reading and happy seeking!

Dream, Love, Know... JYN Star

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Daily Card Reading~2 of Wands (Enchanted Forest Tarot)

Below you will find the link to my daily card reading on my Tarot blog. 
Dream, Love, Know... ~JYN Star

Tarot by JYN Star: Daily Card Reading~2 of Wands (Enchanted Forest Ta...:     Today for my daily card reading I drew the two of wands from the Enchanted Forest Tarot.  This is always a powerful time of ye...

Friday, September 14, 2012

Daily Reading~ The Devil with a 6 of Pentacles Pop...

Below you can find a link to today's tarot reading...Enjoy! ~JYN
Dream, Love, Know...

Tarot by JYN Star: Daily Reading~ The Devil with a 6 of Pentacles Pop...: Over the years I have fallen in and out of my love affair with the Tarot. Yet, I realize that even when I put the cards aside, they are al...

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Dream, Love, Know...

This is a pivotal post as I take my next steps in really establishing my vision and focus. I have been contemplating  my research and book project as I pull it all together.  This blog, and my sister blog sites are pivotal to the future self that I am establishing in the now, and this will all become apparent when my work starts to fall in place.

One of my key steps as I move to the next level with this manifestation, is the address the flaw in my adage, that came to me when I began this project.  My tag has been: Dream, Love, Believe... It has meant to follow your dreams, with your heart as your guide, and the belief that your dream will manifest in the physical 3rd dimensional reality.

Well many signs have told me that I have graduated to the next level, and I am no longer guided by believing in something.  Instead, I KNOW that we are reincarnated beings, a fact that was removed from the bible sometime in 500AD.  For more on the deception within the bible look into Santos Bonacci and his research, he is on fire right now!  I truly miss his radio show on American Freedom Radio, but he has shown up as a guest to some very key shows speaking truth.  Santos was one of my teachers who made me see that it was time for my adage to be changed...

We are born with a knowing that we loose as we descend into this 3rd dimensional reality.  We are programmed to hold tight to our BELIEFS. My meditations have shown that instead perhaps there is a change that needs to occur in our thinking.  Truth should be sought, even if it makes you uncomfortable, because in truth lies the light.  In truth there lies a KNOWING.  We must dream to conceive. Love is what should guide us all, and in love you will find peace.  And finally, there is a knowing that we all should seek.  The truth exists in many forms for those who have the eyes to see the ears to hear.

Dream, Love, Know... JYN Star

Monday, August 20, 2012

Poetry by JYN Star: The Forbidden Fruit~ An Apple?

The link below is from my art blog.  Today's post looks at humans as creators, tracing the symbol of the apple back to the Garden of Eden.  This post asks, what was the forbidden fruit?

Poetry by JYN Star: The Forbidden Fruit~ An Apple?: Note: The artist for this beautiful image is unknown to me  "And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it w...

Daily Card Reading~ Queen of Pentacles

Below you will find a link to yesterday's tarot card reading, along with a short note on the illusion of time.  Enjoy!  ~JYN

Tarot by JYN Star: Daily Card Reading~ Queen of Pentacles:  Yesterday, for the daily card reading I drew the Queen of Pentacles, yet I was unable to post.  Therefore, I thought it would be fit...

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Daily Card Reading~ 4 of Swords (Rx) *Mystic Dream...

Below is a link to the daily card reading on my Tarot blog.  It is interesting to note that today's card is a reversal of the card that I drew yesterday.

Tarot by JYN Star: Daily Card Reading~ 4 of Swords (Rx) *Mystic Dream...: I found it interesting that for today's reading I drew the 4 of Swords (Rx), when yesterday this was the card I drew pulled in the upright p...

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Daily Card Reading~ 4 of Swords *Mystic Dreamer Ta...

Below is the link for today's daily Tarot card reading on my Tarot blog, Enjoy!  ~JYN

Tarot by JYN Star: Daily Card Reading~ 4 of Swords *Mystic Dreamer Ta...: Personally I immediately understood why I drew this for today's daily card reading.  The 4 of Swords in about rest, reflection, and ret...

Quotes from Literature~ The Ramayana

The following link takes you to my poetry and art blog with this quote from the epic Hindu poem the Ramayana...Enjoy.

Poetry by JYN Star: Quotes from Literature~ The Ramayana: This snippet of Sacred Hindu poem is from Canto IV~ "When to the end the tale was brought, Rose in the sage's mind the thought; Now who t...

The Metaphysical Properties of Amethyst

The link below takes you to my blog post on the history, myth, and uses of the beautiful gem Amethyst.  Enjoy!  ~JYN

Home by JYN Star: The Metaphysical Properties of Amethyst: Since I am writing a post on this spiritual and calming stone, I thought it would be fitting for me to grab a piece from my collection, l...

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Daily Card Reading~ Art *Thoth

Check out the link below for today's daily card reading.  There were several sync moments for me when I pulled this card! I hope you enjoy this write-up.  ~JYN

Tarot by JYN Star: Daily Card Reading~ Art *Thoth:  First off, I find it interesting that as I begin to truly learn and read with the Thoth deck, I have encountered some judgements of the...

Thursday, August 09, 2012

Clearing and Cleaning Crystals

The following link takes you to my blog Home by JYN Star where I posted on cleaning and clearing crystals. Enjoy!  ~JYN

Home by JYN Star: Clearing and Cleaning Crystals:  This blog has really re-connected me with my tools for Feng Shui, my main one being crystals.  So, I intuitively knew that it was time ...

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Hysterical Clip~ Real Housewives of NYC

The above clip made me lol, so I thought I would share...a little Saturday afternoon guilty pleasure.
Aviva has the best line at the end of the clip: "I know I put on a really polite smile, BUT the band was a bit of a train wreck."

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Daily Card Reading~ 10 of Pentacles

The daily card reading for the day is shared below!   Enjoy.  ~JYN

Tarot by JYN Star: Daily Card Reading~ 10 of Pentacles: Today for the daily card reading I drew the 10 of Pentacles from the Mystic Faerie Tarot.  This reading has many sync moments for me......

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Daily Card Reading~ 6 of Pentacles (Rx)

The daily card reading on my Tarot blog is shared below!

Tarot by JYN Star: Daily Card Reading~ 6 of Pentacles (Rx): A couple days ago I drew the 6 of Pentacles reversed, and have not posted a daily card reading since, because this card indicates a ne...

Monday, July 09, 2012

Daily Card Reading~ 6 of Swords

Today for the daily card reading I drew the 6 of Swords, check it out below!

Tarot by JYN Star: Daily Card Reading~ 6 of Swords: Today for the daily card reading I drew the 6 of Swords.  This card was drawn with the intention of sharing it on my Tarot blog.  Yet, it ...

Friday, June 29, 2012

Poetry by JYN Star

I am happy to annouce my brand new Poetry Blog entiled Poetry by JYN Star. My poems, along with other art and poetry that inspires me will be posted on that blog....I also feature my first original piece posted on my new blog below:


Le Soleil

Copyright © 2012 JYN Star

Searching for the sun, I am
The son of God
The sun of man

Round a wheel
He cycles through
Marking seasons
As times renew

A cosmic traveller
The light of Man
Searching for the sun, I am

December 21st he's born anew
March 21 he finds balance and dew
The Ram springs forth with his selfish ways
Marching up the hill towards his glory day

But, with every high you have a low
Down into the Underworld
He falls below

Above tis a time
To rest and stay in
Also known as Hel
During other ages of Man

In those days
The goddess played a role
The days of matriarchy
In times of old

When Gods and Goddesses
Shared powers of creation
Not only one man
Served as the savior,
And Salvation...

Does he have a partner in sight?
In fact he does,
She shines at night

This lifetime
My tribe, worships thee
Yet, in my search I came to see
Perhaps, Akenahten planted the seed?

The tribe is worried
And fear runs wild
There is much to learn
This is a time to discern

Most know very little;
They block out truth
Light evades them, the dark enslaves them

Yet the Water Bearer is here!
To release them from fear...

Afraid of knowledge and divination
Many truths pushed aside
For even Saul sought Endor's counsel in disguise
Herbal knowledge represents the wise

The herd is asleep
Living their daily lives as sheep
Asleep and unaware
Pushing truth away
Too much to bear

The Archangel of the Sun knew this all was bothering me
I kept asking myself 'why are so many sheep asleep?'
He arrived from my right
I saw truth in the light

He said: "The sleeping sheep are serving their use
Not ALL are meant to awaken to truth
So just let the sleeping sheep run along
While you continue to create
Always remember it's okay to sing your own song"

Dream, Love, Believe... ~JYN

Daily Card Reading~ The Empress

Below is the link to my daily card reading, featured on my Tarot blog...

Tarot by JYN Star: Daily Card Reading~ The Empress: Today for the daily card reading I drew the Empress.  This card expresses the height of feminity and abundance.  It can also signal a ...

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Daily Card Reading~ Three of Swords

Just updated my Tarot blog with a Daily Reading...check out the link below!

Tarot by JYN Star: Daily Card Reading~ Three of Swords: Three of Swords Today for the daily card reading I drew the three of swords.  This card has been coming up a lot lately in readings tha...

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Midsummer~ Summer Solsitice 2012

The longest day of the year is here!  Yesterday we experienced our second consecutive new moon in Gemini. Then the moon moved into its home sign of Cancer, where it still is today.  The sun moves into Cancer at 7:08pm tonight. Midsummer is considered a time to connect with the realm of the Fey, in fact they have been popping up all over my posts here and also on my Tarot Blog (seek and ye shall find!). 

Also, I found a great article of the astronomical influences of the Summer Solstice, check it out for information on how the Solstice has been celebrated by various cultures throughout the world, and how we are being affected by axial tilt (the reason for the Solstice) here on Earth.

For me this day has been filled with magic!  I sat under, and connected with the Elm tree in my front yard, gifting it with a small piece of rose quartz tumble stone.  I also recently found a branch loose within my Elm tree's branches, a gift from the realm of spirit (based on the symbolism of the tree, and how its branches represent the higher realms).  So, I brought the branch down for my dog, intrigued by the tree I looked up more information on the the Elm Tree, and was amazed at the sync experience of discovering the Elm tree was linked to the realm of Elves and the now I have my branch gifted by the Elm, and with it a new creative project is on the horizon...

Ask and ye shall receive.
Dream, Love, Believe... ~JYN

Monday, June 18, 2012

Daily Card Reading~ Ace of Pentacles

Just posted a Daily Card Reading on my Tarot blog, check out the link below!

Tarot by JYN Star: Daily Card Reading~ Ace of Pentacles: Today for the daily card reading I drew the Ace of Pentacles.  Ace's are about beginnings, and in the suit of pentacles, it refers to s...

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Daily Card Readings~ 8 of Wands

Today I did another daily card reading on my Tarot blog...check it out in the link below!
Enjoy ~JYN
Tarot by JYN Star: Daily Card Readings~ 8 of Wands:  Today for the daily card reading I drew the 8 of Wands.  First thing I think when I draw this card is that a message is on the way. ...

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Tarot by JYN Star~ Daily Card Reading

2 of Wands from The Fairytale Tarot by Lisa Hunt
Today, I started posting daily one card readings on my Tarot Blog, check out the link below!
Dream, Love, Believe... ~JYN
Tarot by JYN Star: Daily Card Reading~ 2 of Wands Fairytale Tarot by ...: A sketch of the 2 of Wands in the Fairytale Tarot by Lisa Hunt I am always amazed at how synchronized the Tarot is! Since I recently...

New Article by Barbara Hand Clow~ Uranus Squaring Pluto on June 24th

[Botticelli Prints - Primavera]
Primavera by Botticelli

I have been learning from Barbara Hand Clow for several years now, and was sad when I learned that her new moon column Astroflash was ending (her last post was on the Vernal Equinox of this year).  However, when she ended that column, she began posting sporadic articles on the current astrological energies, on her website. So far she has two articles in the news section (the new home for her updates, no longer in tune with the new moon). Both articles have been so insightful, and profoundly timed in my life, that I wanted to share the links with my blog readers.

Her first article was about Uranus squaring Pluto and the generational tension that is a result of this transit, for me this article highlighted issues within my own family as a result of generational divides, and it helped me to realize that much of the tension I am experiencing in this regard, is a direct result of the planets, their energies, and how they are effecting the collective on earth. I share this article, because I am sure others are experiencing the same conundrum, in dealing with older relatives, who have different viewpoints, and a different outlook on life and reality.

The second article she has recently posted deals the the Uranus Pluto Square on June 24th, which will happen seven times during 2012-2015, and she will be posting a series of articles dealing with this transit and its energies.  I have been reading a lot about the Renaissance and the art of that period, so it was synchronistic when Barbara Hand Clow referred to this energy as a time of birthing a new Renaissance in our world...I hope that you enjoy these articles...please feel free to share your thoughts and comments with me here!   ~JYN

Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Current Astrological Energies~ Venus Transit 2012

The above picture was taken by Soho at 7:12 am EST on this magical 5th of June, as Venus for the second time in 8 years will transit the sun starting around 3:09 pm PDT, this astronomical occurrence will not happen again until December 2117. Space Weather will be offering a live feed of the transit, which we will not see again in this lifetime!  Jess Stern in A Time for Astrology sates, "Venus is closests planet to Earth, and the  brightest object in the sky next to the Sun and Moon.  When ahead of the sun it is the morning star; behind the sun it is visable in the western sky just after sunset as the Evening Star. Veiled in impenetrable cloud banks, its mysterious surface is truly symbolic of the ethernal feminine."

This is followed by yesterday's Lunar Eclipse, and third consecutive super moon (when the moon is full and closets to the Earth).  Lots is going on in the skies right now. For a review of current energies, please visit my Astrology & Astronomy Page where I just posted DL Zeta's and Lotus Light's astrological run-down of the current energies! There are some other goodies on that page, so be sure to check them out as well!

Sunday, June 03, 2012

Fairytales~ East of the Sun West of the Moon

The fairy realm has really been coming through to me!  I have been spotting mushroom rings on lawns, I spotted my first lightening bug of the season the other night, and the air at night just seems full of magic (we are headed into a full-moon lunar eclipse).  I have been conducting personal readings with the Fairytale Tarot by Magical Realist Press, and reading the book Enchantment of the Faerie Realm by Ted Andrews (I am not sure about my thoughts on this book yet, but this tale is mentioned as a means of connecting with the element of air on pg.101).  Also, I have been reading tales from Arabian Nights, Grimm's Household Tales and other folklore from around the world, including East of the Sun West of the Moon, which serves as the 10 of pentacles in another Fairytale Tarot deck that I own by Lisa Hunt.  In it she states the card means that "As you venture forth, listen to those who have experience and wisdom, and take comfort in the presence of family and friends".
I share the tale below...

 East of the Sun and West of the Moon ~Norway

Once upon a time there was a poor peasant who had so many children that he did not have enough of either food or clothing to give them. Pretty children they all were, but the prettiest was the youngest daughter, who was so lovely there was no end to her loveliness.

One day -- it was on a Thursday evening late in the fall -- the weather was wild and rough outside, and it was cruelly dark. The rain was falling and the wind blowing, until the walls of the cottage shook. They were all sitting around the fire busy with this thing and that. Then all at once something gave three taps on the window. The father went out to see what was the matter. Outside, what should he see but a great big white bear.

"Good evening to you," said the white bear.

"The same to you," said the man.

"Will you give me your youngest daughter? If you will, I'll make you as rich as you are now poor," said the bear.

Well, the man would not be at all sorry to be so rich; but still he thought he must have a bit of a talk with his daughter first; so he went in and told them how there was a great white bear waiting outside, who had given his word to make them so rich if he could only have the youngest daughter.

The girl said "No!" outright. Nothing could get her to say anything else; so the man went out and settled it with the white bear, that he should come again the next Thursday evening and get an answer. Meantime he talked to his daughter, and kept on telling her of all the riches they would get, and how well off she herself would be. At last she agreed to it, so she washed and mended her rags, and made herself as smart as she could. Soon she was ready for the trip, for she didn't have much to take along.

The next Thursday evening came the white bear to fetch her. She got on his back with her bundle, and off they went. After they had gone a good way, the white bear said, "Are you afraid?"

No, she wasn't.

"Just hold tight to my shaggy coat, and there's nothing to be afraid of," said the bear.

She rode a long, long way, until they came to a large steep cliff. The white bear knocked on it. A door opened, and they came into a castle, where there were many rooms all lit up; rooms gleaming with silver and gold. Further, there was a table set there, and it was all as grand as grand could be. Then the white bear gave her a silver bell; and when she wanted anything, she only had to ring it, and she would get it at once.

Well, after she had eaten, and it became evening, she felt sleepy from her journey, and thought she would like to go to bed, so she rang the bell. She had barely rung it before she found herself in a room, where there was a bed made as fair and white as anyone would wish to sleep in, with silken pillows and curtains, and gold fringe. All that was in the room was gold or silver. After she had gone to bed, and put out the light, a man came and laid himself alongside her. It was the white bear, who cast off his pelt at night; but she never saw him, for he always came after she had put out the light. Before the day dawned he was up and off again. Things went on happily for a while, but at last she became quiet and sad. She was alone all day long, and she became very homesick to see her father and mother and brothers and sisters. So one day, when the white bear asked what was wrong with her, she said it was so lonely there, and how she longed to go home to see her father and mother and brothers and sisters, and that was why she was so sad, because she couldn't get to them.

"Well," said the bear, "that can happen all right, but you must promise me, not to talk alone with your mother, but only when the others are around to hear. She will want to take you by the hand and lead you into a room to talk alone with her. But you must not do that, or else you'll bring bad luck on both of us."

So one Sunday the white bear came and said they could now set off to see her father and mother. Off they went, she sitting on his back; and they went far and long. At last they came to a grand house. Her bothers and sisters were outside running about and playing. Everything was so pretty, it was a joy to see.

"This is where your father and mother live now," said the white bear. "Now don't forget what I told you, else you'll make us both unhappy."

No, heaven forbid, she'd not forget. When they reached the house, the white bear turned around and left her.

She went in to see her father and mother, and there was such joy, that there was no end to it. None of them could thank her enough for all she had done for them. They now had everything they could wish for, as good as good could be. Then they wanted to know how she was.

Well, she said, it was very good to live where she did; she had all she wished. I don't know what else she said, but I don't think she told any of them the whole story. That afternoon, after they had eaten dinner, everything happened as the white bear had said it would. Her mother wanted to talk with her alone in her bedroom; but she remembered what the white bear had said, and wouldn't go with her.

"What we have to talk about we can talk about any time," she said, and put her mother off. But somehow or other, her mother got to her at last, and she had to tell her the whole story. She told her, how every night, after she had gone to bed, a man came and lay down beside her as soon as she had put out the light, and how she never saw him, because he was always up and away before the morning dawned; and how she was terribly sad, for she wanted so much to see him, and how she was by herself all day long, and how dreary, and lonesome it was.

"Oh dear," said her mother; "it may well be a troll you are sleeping with! But now I'll give you some good advice how to see him. I'll give you a candle stub, which you can carry home in your bosom; just light it while he is asleep, but be careful not to drop any tallow on him."

Yes, she took the candle, and hid it in her bosom, and that evening the white bear came and took her away.

But when they had gone a piece, the white bear asked if all hadn't happened as he had said.

She couldn't deny that it had.

"Take care," said he, "if you have listened to your mother's advice, you will bring bad luck on us both, and it will be finished with the two of us."

No, by no means!

So when she reached home, and had gone to bed, it was the same as before. A man came and lay down beside her; but in the middle of the night, when she heard that he was fast asleep, she got up and lit the candle. She let the light shine on him, and saw that he was the most handsome prince one ever set eyes on. She fell so deeply in love with him, that she thought she couldn't live if she didn't give him a kiss at once. And so she did, but as she kissed him she let three drops of hot tallow drip onto his shirt, and he woke up.

"What have you done?" he cried; "now you have made us both unlucky, for had you held out only this one year, I would have been free! I have a stepmother who has bewitched me, so that I am a white bear by day, and a man by night. But now all ties are broken between us. Now I must leave you for her. She lives in a castle east of the sun and west of the moon, and there, too, is a princess, one with a nose three yards long, and now I will have to marry her."

She cried and grieved, but there was no help for it; he had to go.

Then she asked if she could go with him.

No, she could not.

"Tell me the way, then" she said, "so I can look for you; surely I may do that."

Yes, she could do that, but there was no way leading to the place. It lay east of the sun and west of the moon, and she'd never find her way there.

The next morning, when she woke up, both the prince and the castle were gone, and she was lying on a little green patch, in the midst of the thick, dark forest, and by her side lay the same bundle of rags she had brought with her from her old home.

When she had rubbed the sleep out of her eyes, and cried until she was tired, she set out on her way, and walked many, many days, until she came to a high cliff. An old woman sat under it, and played with a golden apple which she tossed about. The girl asked her if she knew the way to the prince, who lived with his stepmother in the castle east of the sun and west of the moon, and who was to marry the princess with a nose three yards long.

"How did you come to know about him?" asked the old woman. "Maybe you are the girl who should have had him?"

Yes, she was.

"So, so; it's you, is it?" said the old woman. "Well, all I know about him is, that he lives in the castle east of the sun and west of the moon, and that you'll get there too late or never; but still you may borrow my horse, and you can ride him to my next neighbor. Maybe she'll be able to tell you; and when you get there just give the horse a switch under the left ear, and beg him to be off home. And you can take this golden apple along with you."

So she got on the horse, and rode a long, long time, until she came to another cliff, under which sat another old woman, with a golden carding comb. The girl asked her if she knew the way to the castle that lay east of the sun and west of the moon, and she answered, like the first old woman, that she knew nothing about it, except that it was east of the sun and west of the moon.

"And you'll get there too late or never; but you can borrow my horse to my next neighbor; maybe she'll tell you all about it; and when you get there, just switch the horse under the left ear, and beg him to be off for home."

This old woman gave her the golden carding comb; she might find some use for it, she said. So the girl got up on the horse, and again rode a long, long way. At last she came to another great cliff, under which sat another old woman, spinning with a golden spinning wheel. She asked her, as well, if she knew the way to the prince, and where the castle was that lay east of the sun and west of the moon. But it was the same thing over again.

"Perhaps you are the one who should have had the prince?" said the old woman.

Yes, that she was.

But she didn't know the way any better than the other two. She knew it was east of the sun and west of the moon, but that was all.

"And you'll get there too late or never; but I'll lend you my horse, and then I think you'd best ride to the east wind and ask him; maybe he knows his way around those parts, and can blow you there. When you get to him, just give the horse a switch under the left ear, and he'll trot home by himself."

She too gave her her golden spinning wheel. "Maybe you'll find a use for it," said the old woman.

She rode many weary days, before she got to the east wind's house, but at last she did reach it, and she asked the east wind if he could tell her the way to the prince who lived east of the sun and west of the moon. Yes, the east wind had often heard tell of it, the prince and the castle, but he didn't know the way there, for he had never blown so far.

"But, if you want, I'll go with you to my brother the west wind. Maybe he knows, for he's much stronger. If you will just get on my back I'll carry you there."

Yes, she got on his back, and off they went in a rush.

When they arrived at the west wind's house, the east wind said the girl he had brought was the one who was supposed to have had the prince who lived in the castle east of the sun and west of the moon. She had set out to find him, and he had brought her here, and would be glad to know if the west wind knew how to get to the castle.

"No," said the west wind, "I've never blown so far; but if you want, I'll go with you to our brother the south wind, for he's much stronger than either of us, and he has flown far and wide. Maybe he'll tell you. Get on my back, and I'll carry you to him."

Yes, she got on his back, and so they traveled to the south wind, and I think it didn't take long at all.

When they got there, the west wind asked him if he could tell her the way to the castle that lay east of the sun and west of the moon, for she was the one who was supposed to have had the prince who lived there.

"Is that so?" said the south wind. "Is she the one? Well, I have visited a lot of places in my time, but I have not yet blown there. If you want, I'll take you to my brother the north wind; he is the oldest and strongest of us all, and if he doesn't know where it is, you'll never find anyone in the world to tell you. Get on my back, and I'll carry you there."

Yes, she got on his back, and away he left his house at a good clip. They were not long underway. When they reached the north wind's house he was so wild and cross, that he blew cold gusts at them from a long way off. "Blast you both, what do you want?" he roared at them from afar, so that it struck them with an icy shiver.

"Well," said the south wind, "you don't need to bluster so, for here I am, your brother, the south wind, and here is the girl who was supposed to have had the prince who lives in the castle that lies east of the sun and west of the moon, and now she wants to ask you if you ever were there, and can show her the way, for she wants so much to find him again."

"Yes, I know where it is," said the north wind; "a single time I blew an aspen leaf there, but afterward I was so tired that I couldn't blow a puff for many days. But if you really wish to go there, and aren't afraid to come along with me, I'll take you on my back and see if I can blow you there."

Yes, with all her heart; she wanted to and had to get there if it were at all possible; and she wouldn't be afraid, however madly he went.

"Very well, then," said the north wind, "but you must sleep here tonight, for we must have the whole day before us, if we're to get there at all."

Early next morning the north wind woke her, and puffed himself up, and blew himself out, and made himself so stout and big. that he was gruesome to look at. Off they went high up through the air, as if they would not stop until they reached the end of the world.

Here on earth there was a terrible storm; acres of forest and many houses were blown down, and when it swept over the sea, ships wrecked by the hundred.

They tore on and on -- no one can believe how far they went -- and all the while they still went over the sea, and the north wind got more and more weary, and so out of breath he could barely bring out a puff, and his wings drooped and drooped, until at last he sunk so low that the tops of the waves splashed over his heels.

"Are you afraid?" said the north wind.

No, she wasn't.

They weren't very far from land by now, and the north wind had enough strength left that he managed to throw her up on the shore under the windows of the castle which lay east of the sun and west of the moon. But then he was so weak and worn out, that he had to stay there and rest many days before he could go home again.

The next morning the girl sat down under the castle window, and began to play with the golden apple. The first person she saw was the long-nosed princess who was to have the prince.

"What do you want for your golden apple, you girl?" said the long-nosed one, as she opened the window.

"It's not for sale, for gold or money," said the girl.

"If it's not for sale for gold or money, what is it that you will sell it for? You may name your own price," said the princess.

"Well, you can have it, if I may get to the prince, who lives here, and be with him tonight," said the girl whom the north wind had brought.

Yes, that could be done. So the princess took the golden apple; but when the girl came up to the prince's bedroom that night, he was fast asleep. She called him and shook him, and cried and grieved, but she could not wake him up. The next morning. as soon as day broke, the princess with the long nose came and drove her out.

That day she sat down under the castle windows and began to card with her golden carding comb, and the same thing happened. The princess asked what she wanted for it. She said it wasn't for sale for gold or money, but if she could have permission to go to the prince and be with him that night, the princess could have it. But when she went to his room she found him fast asleep again, and however much she called, and shook, and cried, and prayed, she couldn't get life into him. As soon as the first gray peep of day came, the princess with the long nose came, and chased her out again.

That day the girl sat down outside under the castle window and began to spin with her golden spinning wheel, and the princess with the long nose wanted to have it as well. She opened the window and asked what she wanted for it. The girl said, as she had said twice before, that it wasn't for sale for gold or money, but if she could go to the prince who was there, and be alone with him that night she could have it.

Yes, she would be welcome to do that. But now you must know that there were some Christians who had been taken there, and while they were sitting in their room, which was next to the prince's, they had heard how a woman had been in there, crying, praying, and calling to him for two nights in a row, and they told this to the prince.

That evening, when the princess came with a sleeping potion, the prince pretended to drink it, but threw it over his shoulder, for he could guess it was a sleeping potion. So, when the girl came in, she found the prince wide awake, and then she told him the whole story of how she had come there.

"Ah," said the prince, "you've come in the very nick of time, for tomorrow is to be our wedding day. But now I won't have the long-nose, and you are the only woman in the world who can set me free. I'll say that I want to see what my wife is fit for, and beg her to wash the shirt which has the three spots of tallow on it. She'll agree, for she doesn't know that you are the one who put them there. Only Christians, and not such a pack of trolls, can wash them out again. I'll say that I will marry only the woman who can wash them out, and ask you to try it."

So there was great joy and love between them all the night. But next day, when the wedding was planned, the prince said, "First of all, I'd like to see what my bride is fit for."

"Yes!" said the stepmother, with all her heart.

"Well," said the prince, "I've got a fine shirt which I'd like for my wedding shirt, but somehow or other it got three spots of tallow on it, which I must have washed out. I have sworn to marry only the woman who is able to do that. If she can't, then she's not worth having."

Well, that was no big thing they said, so they agreed, and the one with the long nose began to wash away as hard as she could, but the more she rubbed and scrubbed, the bigger the spots grew.

"Ah!" said the old troll woman, her mother, "you can't wash. Let me try."

But she had hardly touched the shirt, before it got far worse than before, and with all her rubbing, and wringing, and scrubbing, the spots grew bigger and blacker, and the shirt got ever darker and uglier.

Then all the other trolls began to wash, but the longer it lasted, the blacker and uglier the shirt grew, until at last it was as black all over as if it been up the chimney.

"Ah!" said the prince, "none of you is worth a straw; you can't wash. Why there, outside, sits a beggar girl, I'll bet she knows how to wash better than the whole lot of you. Come in, girl!" he shouted.

She came in.

"Can you wash this shirt clean, girl, you?" he said.

"I don't know," she said, "but I think I can."

And almost before she had taken it and dipped it into the water, it was as white as driven snow, and whiter still.

"Yes, you are the girl for me," said the prince.

At that the old troll woman flew into such a rage, she exploded on the spot, and the princess with the long nose after her, and the whole pack of trolls after her -- at least I've never heard a word about them since.

As for the prince and princess, they set free all the poor Christians who had been captured and shut up there; and they took with them all the silver and gold, and flew away as far as they could from the castle that lay east of the sun and west of the moon.

  • Source: Peter Christen Asbjørnsen and Jørgen Moe, Østenfor sol og vestenfor mÃ¥ne, Norske Folkeeventyr (Christiania [Oslo], 1842-1852), translated by George Webb Dasent (1859). Translation revised by D. L. Ashliman. © 2001.
  • Type 425A.

Friday, June 01, 2012

Aesop's Fables~ The Dog and the Shadow

It happened that a dog had got a peice of meat and was carrying it home in his mouth to eat in peace.  Now on his way home he had to cross a plank lying across a running brook. As he crossed, he looked down and saw his own shadow reflected in the water beneath.  Thinking it was another dog, with another peice of meat, he made up his mind to have that also.  So he made a snap at the shadow in the water, but as he opened his mouth the peice of meat fell out, dropped into the water and was never seen more.

Beware lest you loose the substance by grasping at the shadow.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Featured Essay on the Egyptian Pharoah Akhenaten's Influence on American Democracy

I finally have up my featured essay on the Egyptian pharoah Akhenaten. This essay examines how he has influenced monotheism and democracy.  It is the first in a series of essays that I am developing, and I am excited to finally be releasing it on my blog.  Enjoy.  ~JYN

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

JYN Star Tarot Blog

Today I launched a new Tarot blog called Tarot by JYN Star coinciding with the addition of professional Tarot reading to my expanding vision for Nereids' Enchantments.  On it I plan to include daily card readings, tarot tips, spreads that I find helpful, and all things tarot related.

For now I am offering free one card readings performed through email, so that people can get a feel for me as a reader and see if they would want a more in depth reading from me in the future.  If you are interested in a free one card reading, please email me at  Include your question for the cards along with your birth date (optional), and I will get back to you with your one card reading.  Please visit the new blog for more information, my Code of Ethics, etc.

Ask and you shall receive.  Always remember to dream, love, and believe... 


Monday, May 21, 2012

Mariah Carey - (E=MC2) - Side Effects

My thoughts wandered all the way back to Junior High School, to
the first time I saw a Mariah video (Some Day) on BET, that day was magic!
I have truly appreciated the depth and beauty of her voice every since...

Thank you Mariah for always picking me up with your music, uplifting me
when I feel low...

~Lyrics to Side Effects
(feat. Young Jeezy)

[Young Jeezy:]
It's M.C. and Y.J.
Another hit, OK
We lookin' fly, takin' off
Saw us on a runway
On any given Sunday,
Monday, Tuesday
They try to confuse me,
I never let 'em use me

I was a girl, you was a man
I was too young to understand
I was naïve, I just believed
Everything that you told me
Said you were strong, protecting me
Then I found out that you were weak
Keepin' me there, under your thumb
'cause you were scared that I'd become much
More than you could handle,
Shining like a chandelier
That decorated every room inside
The private hell we built,
And I dealt with it
Like a kid I wished I could fly away

But instead, I kept my tears inside
'cause I knew if I started I'd keep crying
For the rest of my life with you
I finally built up the strength to walk away
Don't regret it but I still live with the side effects

Waking up scared some nights still dreaming 'bout them violent times?
Still little protective 'bout the people that I let inside
Still little defensive thinkin' 'bout me tryin' to run my life
Still little depressed inside, I fake a smile and deal with the side effects (oh, oh)
Side effects (oh, oh)
Side effects (oh, oh)
Side effects (oh, oh)

Vacant inside, no one was there
Couldn't be real, had to keep quiet
Once in awhile, put up a fight
It's just too much, night after night
After awhile I would just lie,
You was dead wrong, said you was right
Did what I could, just to survive
Couldn't believe this was my life,
Flickering like a candle
Doin’ my best to handle sleeping with the enemy
Aware that he was smothering every last part of me
So I broke away and finally found the strength to leave

Still kept the tears inside
'cause I knew if I started I'd keep crying
For the rest of my life with you
I finally built up the strength to walk away
Don't regret it but I still live with the side effects


Hey, hey, hey
Let's go!

[Young Jeezy:]
Hey magnifico or should I say magnificent?
Ain't nothing worth your happiness
And I ain't caring who you're with
Misery loves company so we ain't tryin' to hang with you all
Hurt you if you let 'em in
Gotta keep you sucker smilin'
Keep tryin' to play
I tell him I ain't blowin' though
Think they want me outta here,
I tell 'em I ain't goin' though
Side effects be drowsiness,
How is this?
I think the call it hateration,
What can you prescribe for this?

Forgive but I can't forget,
Every day I deal with this
I live with the side effects
But I ain't gonna let them get the best of me

Forgive but I can't forget,
Every day I deal with this
I live with the side effects
But I ain't gonna let them get the best of me

Kept my tears inside
'cause I knew if I started I'd keep crying
For the rest of my life with you
I finally built up the strength to walk away
Don't regret it but I still live with the side effects


Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Madonna's Super Bowl Performance Symbolism

The above album contains image stills that I took from Madonna's Super Bowl Performance. I recently listened to a Red IceiInterview with Alan Abbadessa from 10/21/11 where he discussed certain blogs that define the symbolism of pop culture.  Anyhow, during that interview he discusses why he is personally turned off by blogs like Vigilant Citizen (featured on this blogs Pop Culture page), because he feels that blogs like these are defining symbols in such a definitive way that it becomes limiting.  I thought that his opinion brought up a valid point, so I compiled these images (with no captions) for the viewer to take in and contemplate the symbolic meaning on their own, without the thoughts of another as to what the symbols may mean.

However, I would also note that I think the Vigilant Citizen write up of Madonna's performance is worthy of a read.  Along with Freeman's article on his website.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Dragon Flare! Strongest Solar Storm Since 2005 Hitting Earth

Image of the Chinese Water Dragon
The below link provides information on the solar flare that hit Earth, accompanying the
new moon and the Chinese New Year (year of the Water Dragon) on January 23rd.

Dragon Flare! Strongest Solar Storm Since 2005 Hitting Earth

Interesting to note, I recently listened to Barbara Hand Clow on the Awakening Zone
radio show, Conversations with Jim Self. She touched on many topics relevant to
these changing times, and I can't recommend it enough! She briefly addresses the myth of the dragon that is embedded into the collective as a creature to be feared. She hypothesizes that the dragons and the demons in religion (specifically in the Book of Revelations), are references to the malevolent forces that showed up after the great cataclysmic shift approximately 12,000 years ago. And, that the end times (that so many are awaiting in 2012) is actually an event of the past, which the human collective is still struggling to overcome because of the fear that it implanted into our reality and consciousness.

Here is another interesting article and photos about the Chinese New Year.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Pi as Framework for Mass Religion

This is a really amazing clip by Dennis Fetcho, showing how mass religions is embedded into Pi.
Such TRUTH. Enjoy! JYN

Dream, Love, Believe...

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Ricky Gervais 2012 Golden Globes Opening Monologue

He is so good every year! This clip is hysterical...

Mark Matika - Free Your Mind Conference 2011

The other day I was revisiting some lectures from the
Free Your Mind Conference (April 2011, Philly, PA) on YouTube, and I really think
this under-viewed clip offers great information for getting in touch with
yourself and your life's purpose.

In the clip Mark Matika shares a mantra for manifesting your life's purpose in this lifetime (or incarnation). Based on the information I have read and synthesized from many spiritual teachers, I have come to the understanding that before a soul manifests in physical reality (the 3rd Dimension), it makes contracts for each lifetime.  Then when the souls incarnates, we forget these contracts, and have to remember our purpose in this life.  Hence the importance of the mantra shared in this clip which, according to Mark Matika, will manifest changes rapidly in your life, aligning you with your life's path.

However, you can also uncover your life's purpose by using your astrological fingerprint (your birth or natal chart). The birth chart uncovers your destiny (for which you
need the EXACT time of birth). The birth time is so important because we are part of
a living, dynamic universe; such that even people born fifteen minutes apart will have differences
in their birth charts. According to Parker's Astrology, two people born at the exact same time
will be considered time twins, and their lives will unfold in a similar manner.

Recently, I have really been studying my astrological chart, and it has helped me tremendously. The truth is really written in the stars, and a major first step in uncovering your life's
purpose is to study this astrological fingerprint. I have been recording my findings in a journal that I have designated for the specific purpose of finding out what the planetary alignments and aspects at my time of birth mean in my life.

This lecture also helped to me refocus on my health (after suffering a major allergy attack during the holiday season). Taking pills has never sat well with me, and this lecture brought to the forefront of my consciousness the fact that I need to reconnect with self (through meditation), and continue to work on self healing while staying away from medicine. It is my personal opinion that we are conditioned to take drugs, when in fact we are all healers and nothing is more powerful than the mind. This is not to say that modern medicine does not have its place. However, I have found that part of reclaiming my power has included researching holistic health (essential oils, flower essences, herbs, and the like) being aware of their medicinal properties, and for the most part I have taken my health into my own hands! However, with this last attack I was on several medications for a couple of weeks (because I could not breathe otherwise). So, now that I am healed, I will have to turn within, to get to the root of the problem!

Dream, Love, Believe...JYN

Saturday, January 07, 2012

Ellie Goulding - Lights

What I am listening to right now...this is such a hot track!
Lyrics to Lights by Ellie Goulding

I had a way then losing it all on my own
I had a heart then but the queen has been overthrown
And I'm not sleeping now the dark is too hard to beat
And I'm not keeping now the strength I need to push me

You show the lights that stop me turn to stone
You shine It when I'm alone
And so I tell myself that I'll be strong
And dreaming when they're gone

'Cause they're calling, calling, calling me home
Calling, calling, calling home
You show the lights that stop me turn to stone
You shine It when I'm alone


Noises, I play within my head
Touch my own skin and hope that I'm still breathing
And I think back to when my brother and my sister slept
In an unlocked place the only time I feel safe

You show the lights that stop me turn to stone
You shine it when I'm alone
And so I tell myself that I'll be strong
And dreaming when they're gone

'Cause they're calling, calling, calling me home
Calling, calling, calling home
You show the lights that stop me turn to stone
You shine it when I'm alone


Yeah, hee

Light, lights, lights, lights
Light, lights, lights, lights
Light, lights, lights, lights
Light, lights

You show the lights that stop me turn to stone
You shine it when I'm alone
And so I tell myself that I'll be strong
And dreaming when they're gone

'Cause they're calling, calling, calling me home
Calling, calling, calling home
You show the lights that stop me turn to stone
You shine it when I'm alone

Home, home
Light, lights, lights, lights
Light, lights, lights, lights

Home, home
Light, lights, lights, lights
Light, lights, lights, lights

Home, home
Light, lights, lights, lights
Light, lights, lights, lights

Home, home
Light, lights, lights, lights
Light, lights, lights, lights