Sunday, October 17, 2010


I have a new love recently, and it is to explore caves!!! My husband and I recently took a day trip to Penn's Caves, and I had the best time! The cave is seen on a boat tour. I had the added bonus of the caves legend being connected to the college I attended (inside you can see the original Nittany Lion, which is the Penn State mascot). The guide explained that there are about 70-80 tourist caves throughout the United States...visiting caves is def. something to add to the list when on a vacation somewhere by a cave open to the public. The guide at Penn's Cave also suggested touring caves in Arizona, I can see how that would be amazing...

Dream, Love, Believe...

Monday, August 09, 2010

An Away Message

The summer has swept me away!! Not posting too much as of late, have needed to refocus...but always believing, and pushing toward my goals and dreams! xoxo

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Summer's Energy

What a magical time this has been! Summer officially began on June 21 with the Summer Solistice, and now tonight is June's full moon. With a Lunar Eclipse that just passed at 7:30a ET, we are starting to ride the wave of personal and social change, that will take effect in 2012-2015! Buckle up and feel the Moon's energy over the next few days!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Full Moon Last Night

Capitalize on the energy of last night's full moon!  Burn a white candle, and meditate, seeing what lies within...

Some information on last nights moon is below:

Full Moon in Scorpio, April 28, 2010

Moon Above the Water

© Václav Volráb/

The Full Moon in Scorpio normally is a magical time of regeneration and rebirth.

That’s all the more true for the Scorpio Full Moon on April 28, thanks to a smooth, flowing connection between the Sun, Moon, and Pluto, Scorpio’s ruler. Moreover, the Sun is in tight conjunction with retrograde Mercury, and Pluto is retrograde, too. Retrograde periods are good for activities starting with “re.” So why not regeneration and rebirth?

As we go through the great cosmic shift of 2010-2012, much in our lives is dying in order to be reborn. We are healing and regenerating, according to ancient cycles of the stars, gods, and humans.

In the Buddhist tradition, the Full Moon in Scorpio is Wesak, celebrated as the day of the Buddha’s enlightenment. Now, technically, Wesak isn’t until May 27, because Buddhists use sidereal astrology, which is a sign “off” from our Western tropical system. Still, we can use the symbolism of Wesak to help us understand the significance of the Full Moon with Sun in Taurus and Moon in Scorpio.

Ruled by lovely Venus, Taurus is the “earthiest” of the earth signs, while Scorpio is the sign of death, regeneration and rebirth. Seeing how the unmanifest comes into existence in the physical world and then disappears back into the unmanifest is key to enlightened consciousness. It liberates us from errors in our thinking that lead to needless stress and suffering.

The Sun at 8°07′ Taurus tightly conjoins Mercury at 8°24′ Taurus, opposite the Moon at 8°07′ Scorpio. Mercury is just under halfway through his retrograde phase, which is often right about the time we really start feeling the effects.

Some of us may feel a bit lazy. If you’re going to succumb to being a couch potato, this is the time to do it! While it may seem like “unenlightened behavior,” I don’t see it that way. To the contrary, it’s often helpful to get your mind completely off a problem so that the deep psyche can work unimpeded. The trine from Mercury to retrograde Pluto will help gain deeper insight, if you just step out of the way and let the process happen. When you return your attention to the issue at hand, you may experience sudden new insight and inspiration. I especially recommend this for intellectual types who live a lot of the time in their heads.

On the downside, it may be hard for some people to open up to new ideas under this influence. If someone is giving you a hard time for being too entrenched in ideas or habits, listen! They may or may not be right, but the fact that they’re bringing it up is your cue for self-examination. Consider the message as a gift.

Also, Venus is at 4° Gemini, inconjunct Pluto and in mutual reception with Mercury. Venus in Gemini loves to talk, talk, talk, but that may get you in trouble when Mercury is retrograde. Words can be misconstrued. It might be better to let our actions speak for themselves, but that could lead to problems, too, with action planet Mars squaring the Sun and Moon. It will be hard for everyone to shrug off perceived slights.

Saturn and Uranus are approaching opposition, which may end up being the real news at this Full Moon. I wrote about this in my weekly forecast and will have more in tomorrow’s post.

Lastly, Ceres is stationed near Pluto, set to turn retrograde later in the day. According to classical mythology, Ceres dared to confront Jupiter and Pluto over the disappearance of her daughter and held them accountable for their actions. I think we’ll see this mostly in societal terms, as the powers that be are forced to take responsibility for bad public policy, especially concerning the economy and environment.

However, we may see some effects in our private lives, too. At the very least, we may need to reflect on how past decisions or behavior are affecting us in the present. It’s never too late to change!

For the Moon at 8°07′ Scorpio, the Sabian Symbol** is dental work, with the keyword PRACTICALITY. Most of us don’t pay nearly the attention to our spiritual health as we do to our physical bodies, and yet this is what’s needed in order to maintain a “healthy soul” that can connect with others in our soul community.

The Sabian Symbol for the Sun at 8°07′ Taurus is a Christmas tree decorated, with the keyword SYMBOLIZATION. An image of the winter holidays might seem out of place at this time of year, but its message is of spiritual renewal through sharing with friends and family. One of the most important things we can share with others is our unique gift to the world, and often we must go through a spiritual “death” and regeneration to find it.

It’s the classic tale of the hero’s journey, which takes us to hell and back.

Aquarius, the sign of astrologyPat


Dream, Love, Believe...

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Being Born On The 20th Day of The Month!

The following information is from

If You Are Born On The 2nd,11th,20th, or 29th Of Any Month Then You Are a #2 Person 

The number 2 is symbolic of the moon. It also has feminine attributes of the Sun, and, for this reason alone, although number 1 and number 2 people are decidedly opposite in their characters, their vibrations are harmonious and they make good combinations.
Number 2 people are all those who are born on the 2nd, 11th, 20th, or 29th in any month, but their characteristics even more highlighted if they are born between the 20th of June to the 27th July. This period being what is called the "House of the Moon."
Number 2 and 1 persons vibrate together, and to a lesser degree they also vibrate with number 7 people, such as those born on the 7th, 16th, or 25th in any month.
General Characteristics Of Person Born On The 2nd,11th.20th,29th Of Month 
Number 2 persons are gentle by nature, imaginative, artistic, and romantic. Like the number 1 people, they are also inventive, but they are not as forceful in carrying out their ideas. Their qualities are more on the mental than the physical plane and they are seldom as strong physically as those born under the number 1. 
Their chief faults- they should guard against being restless and unsettled, lack of continuity in their plans and ideas, and lack of self-confidence. They are also inclined to be oversensitive, and easily get despondent and melancholy if they are not in happy surroundings. 

Number 2 persons should endeavour to carry out their chief plans and ideas on days whose numbers vibrate with their own, such as on the 2nd, 11th, 20th, or 29th of any month, but more especially during the period of June 20th to July 27th.

Fortunate or "lucky" days of the week- Sunday, Monday, and Friday (Friday is favourable because it is governed by Venus), and especially so if, like the number 1 people, one of their own numbers should fall on either of these days, such as the 2nd, 11th, 20th, or 29th, and next to these their interchangeable numbers of 1, 4, 7, such as the 1st, 4th, 7th, 10th, 13th, 16th, 19th, 22nd, 25th, 28th, or 31st.

For" lucky" colours they should wear all shades of green, from the darkest to the lightest, also cream and white. They should avoid all dark colours, especially black, purple, and dark red.

Their" lucky" stones and jewels are pearls, moonstones, pale green stones, and they should carry a piece of jade always with them, and, if possible, next to their skin.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Glinda The Good Witch

I have always been drawn to The Wizard of Oz.  A quote from the movie that inspires me: 
"[to Dorothy] You don't need to be helped any longer. You've always had the power to go back to Kansas".  

This quote reminds us all that the power lies within.  Seek it out, and you will be free. You have the power to live out your starts with you! 
                               Dream, Love, Believe...


Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Questioning Angels

In an nation that is Religious...with most people ascribing to some sort of faith...why is it taboo to say that you believe in angels and other spirits...when most of us profess to believe in some type of god?

Monday, February 08, 2010

Amazing Queso

Yesterday was the Super Bowl. And like many other American husband and I prepared good food, drank good beer, enjoyed some guilty pleasure TV, and finally watched the super bowl!
And one of the things we made for the first time...Queso. And god wad it good!
So I thought I would share...
1 lbs ground meat
1 packet taco seasoning
1-2 fresh jalepenos (use according to taste)
3 cloves garlic
1 can rotel tamatoes a/ green chillis
1/2 red onion
1lb velveeta cheese (cube)

-Brown meat
-Add garlic diced
-Drain fat
-Add taco seasoning and water according to packet instructions (cook till settles)
-Add cheese (cook till settles)
-Add red onion/jalepenos
(mix a few times)
-Add rotel can and cook on low to reduce to desired consistency

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Feng Shui for the Bedroom

My husband and I moved recently. In our new home I made a few key changes to our sleeping habits that have been amazing! Mainly, the removal of all things related to the outside world.

In our old home, I tended to work in bed.  I think this lead to my mind racing until I passed out every night with things I needed to do... Creating a better sleep environment for myself, was key to making over the more relaxed and focused me.  Overall, I wanted to slip into a more laid back and relaxing lifestyle.  I wanted to create a stress free home that opened itself up to meditation, work, and yoga.

Our bedroom has a cottage style, shabby chic decor (one that I have favored over the years, and has moved with me in all three of the homes that my husband and I have shared). With this last move we no longer have a television.  I limited the photos.  With a rule of no photos of anyone besides my husband and myself, and even then I only have one of us.

I also enjoy artwork with no people, in the bedroom. For me, the artwork is mostly flowers (I find them soothing).  I also have a painting that I can escape into hung over my bed.  I decorated the room with keepsakes form our travels, all of which remind me of happy times.

I hope that some of the things I have suggested allow you to create a more relaxing bedroom, no matter where you live!  Btw, the picture is not my own bedroom...but how ideal!  All about the visualization!

Dream, Love, Believe... ~JYN

P.S. (August 2012)  This post is from 2010, and reading over it, I am happy to see how much I have grown in my Feng Shui knowledge.  As I continue to research the ancient art of Feng Shui, I have been able to improve my home environment.  For me, white furniture in the bedroom brings a feeling of peace.  Yet, I have since learned that it is bad Feng Shui to have a mirror reflecting the bed (as seen in the picture above).  Confirmed, after just finishing a recent episode to the Blog Talk Radio show Psychic Teachers on Feng Shui. In that episode Samantha Fey stated that she has heard conflicting things on mirrors in the bedroom.  As such, she avoids them in this space all together. For me it felt right when she stated this. Therefore, I would say it is best to avoid mirrors in this space. 

It feels good to clear spaces of clutter.  Donate, purge, and throw away constantly!  It will keep the energy in your life flowing!  And you can never sage a space too much!  If you don't use it, loose it...

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Lady Bugs

The first time that I was drawn to the Lady Bug was in Prague. My husband and I were in the city, I was in a gift shop. I saw a Lady Bug crystal figurine, was drawn to it and purchased. Since then, the Lady Bug has been a fixture on the sink in my house.

We recently moved. We settled into our new home a week before Christmas. Our first night with our new home, in the empty house, we noticed Lady Bugs on the windowsill in the living room. Since we moved in, Lady Bugs have been spotted by my husband and myself on a regular basis. So, I decided to look into the symbolism behind the insect that I have always been happy to see when it has popped into my life.
I found the following blurb on this fascinating insect:

The ladybug is a member of the beetle family. They are found in nearly all climates and latitudes. They are hemispheric in shape, have short legs and are usually bright colored with black, yellow or reddish markings. Most reproduce sexually and females lay eggs. Their life cycle requires about four weeks, so several generations are produced each summer. This ties the ladybug to the energies of renewal and regeneration. Those with this totem are usually family oriented with strong morals and social values.The name lady bug originated in the middle ages when this beetle was dedicated to the Virgin Mary and called the "beetle of our lady." This links the ladybug to spiritual idealism and religious devotion. Past lives associated with religion or the church are common for those with this medicine and some form of daily meditation or prayer are recommended.This tiny little beetle packs a powerful message. Because the life cycle of the adult ladybug is short it teaches us how to release our worry and enjoy our life to the fullest. When it appears in our life it is telling us to "let go and let God."An adult ladybug can consume several thousand aphids and other scale insects within a few months. Since these can be harmful to crop production farmers and growers have long considered the ladybug a good omen. Because of its diet the ladybug often has parasites and those with this medicine need to take care of their digestive system.The ladybug is one of the few beetles that are well liked by humans. Unlike other beetles, the ladybug stirs a feeling of joy within us. Its small size denotes a delicate and loving nature. It emanates the energy of harmlessness and can show us how to stop harming ourselves.The shell on its back serves to protect it from predators. Its wings fold against the body protecting its soft underside. Ladybugs have keen instincts and feel vibrations through their legs. This enables them to sense the energy of whatever they touch and is another form of protection. In spite of its size it appears to be fearless. A messenger of promise, the ladybug reconnects us with the joy of living. Fear does not live within joy. The need to release our fears and return to love is one of the messages it carries.  Ladybug teaches us how to restore our faith and trust in great spirit. It initiates change where it is needed the most. When ladybug appears it is asking us to get out of our own way and allow great spirit to enter.

Retrieved on January 17, 2010

Sunday, January 10, 2010


I have been drawn to Angels recently!! Going to start writing about them in my blog. Do u believe in Angels? If so, ask for a feather a see what happens (and be patient, sometimes it takes a little bit)! In fact ask even if you don't believe, because you may be surprised :)

Dream, Love, Believe... ~JYN