Saturday, July 30, 2011

The Tarot Skeptic Part One

I wanted to look at Tarot form all angels, it is interesting to look at the Tarot through the eyes of a skeptic (since I have been intuitively drawn to the cards since my teens). Which, leads me to my first point, if you have a closed mind to the cards, then they are most likely not for you (at this time). Because the main reason the Tarot works, is that the questioner believes (this point is explained in greater detail, in my introductory post on Tarot). This fact, very much can be paralleled with religion. Those who believe in various disciplines often cite that there beliefs are grounded in a faith first principal.

Yet with Tarot, if you approach the cards with an open mind, and are willing to work with them, they will prove their abilities to you through the fact that you will begin to see patterns arise, as you read daily, that your unconscious is pointing out to guide you on your path. Therefore, Tarot is for everyone, regardless of your religious background, because the cards are a tool for conversing with your higher self. Just as prayer is a tool for conversing with God, Goddess, or whatever choice terminology you have for source.

The Tarot readers main companion (besides the cards) is there journal, where they can record readings, and reflections, to review later. Reviewing your journal at a later date, will often reveal deep insights, once removed from the present, and many times the anxiety, that we have when we approach the cards for answers to the highs and lows of life. You can ask for the cards to show you a sign, pull a card, and go about your day with your eyes open, and you are most likely to find a connection (meant for you to see) based on the card that you pulled. Many, would state that this is a random chance, but if you believe, and have an open mind, the Tarot is there as a tool to teach and guide you. The fact that the cards are based on a game is what adds to their mystic, and perhaps has the greater message that life is a game, and we need to remember to relax, play, and have fun everyday!

The above clip gives an amazing synopsis of the Tarot and how the cards are set up. It then goes onto to state problems that the skeptic has with Tarot in general. As someone who feels that the cards hold value (not everyone will resonate with Tarot) I think that the skeptic is a bit dismissive of the cards use as a tool for meditation (because this is one of their most important components). Deep insights can be gained by drawing the cards, and leaving the spread out in a visible place for reflection. In fact, I would say that the cards are best used for yourself, to highlight themes or guide you based on the questions you ask of the cards, and then the cards that you pull.

I pull no more then three cards, for a reading. But, this is an intuitive tool, so pull the cards however you are guided to. Learning the Tarot by Joan Bunning is an excellent starting point if you are interested in beginning to learn about the cards, spreads, and what not, it is a course that is designed to teach you to read the cards (I believe she often uses the classic celtic cross spread to illustrate readings). The course is also online, but the site was down when I just checked, so I am not sure if that is still the case. Tarot for Self by Mary K. Greer is also another great book for the beginner.

Another response I have to the above clip, Tarot is in no way meant to take the place of medical advice. However, the cards can show you about medical concerns, but that does not mean you are seeking them to trump common sense, sometimes in life you need a doctor. But, what I will say, is that I think as a whole we have been pushed (by society) to rely on outside sources to help, heal, and support us, when in fact we all have the power to direct or lives, health, and healing, when we follow intuition, and listen to self.

Now I will address the cards use in divination, the cards can highlight themes and upcoming events. But, it is with the understanding that nothing is ever set in stone, and that people are in charge of their lives, and their futures. If you seek a reader for insight into the future, then this is when your intuition is most important, and meant to guide you. I think that psychics, and Tarot card readers, should always be approached as a means of entertainment. An ethical reader, will have a code of conduct, that they would be more than happy to share if asked. See if that code resonates with you, if you feel that you are questioning the validity of whoever is reading for you. There are some amazing readers out there, you just have to find them ;)

The value of Tarot is in its power as a tool for personal use. The Tarot is a tool meant to aid and guide you, opening your eyes to the signs that life presents, when you wake up and listen, the tarot connects you with your higher self. Other points/tips, I have decks that are meant solely for me so that only my energy is being picked up in personal readings. This is good to know if you plan to read for other people. If you believe that gemstones hold energetic power, then a cleansed moonstone is a great companion for your deck, which you should store wrapped in a silk or cotton cloth. Even better, put you wrapped deck in a wooden box.>

Dream, Love, Believe...JYN

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