This post is the result of personal reflection about the direction I want my blog to take. For about two years, I have been blogging with no real understanding of why I was being compelled to post. I did not have a clear vision of what I wanted to create. I just started sharing clips, ideas, and tidbits that interested me, thinking they may be of interest to others as well, and they have been! So, a big THANK YOU to all that have found me over the last two years! Now, I would like to establish a community! One for the spiritual seeker, who has an open mind, and is open to exploring the realm of possibilities that lie in our multi-dimensional existence.
Looking back over journals that I have kept throughout the years, the one thing that I have always discussed, besides teaching, was writing (with an emphasis on myth, magic, fairytales, and folklore). In 2006 I committed to returning to school, and completed my Masters in Education, because I was compelled to teach, just like in undergrad when I was compelled to heal (and pursued a degree/career in social work). Now the time has come for me to pursue my path as a writer, which I have been focused on for the last two years!
I have studied the esoteric and occult since high school, lifelong hobbies that coincided with my educational and career pursuits (but I have really grown so much, by being able to focus on my personal studies for the past two years, with no other distractions). And now, I am coming out of the spiritual closet (metaphorically speaking) and I am going to really begin and share the knowledge that I have compiled, read, and written about over the last fifteen years, as I tried to seek out the meaning to life, the truth behind religion, astrology, tarot, astronomy, numerology, symbolism (these are to name a few). I definitely do not have the answers, but will begin to share my thoughts, and I hope that in turn inspires you to share with me your thoughts, comments, questions, opinions, as well...
The meaning to life, why we are here/our path are lifelong questions, meant to be worked out daily, as we live and learn the lessons that this life has to offer (I have come to believe in reincarnation and past lives). I have also come to believe that there are no wrong choices, so each experience that we are having is a lesson meant to be learned, as we grow and move forward on our path, we are meant to be where we are at any given moment.
This does not negate the fact that there will be struggles and lows, but understand that the struggles and lows are lessons ordered by our higher self, which is plugged into the universal flow, and understands the greater good. Even if your present moment seems hopeless and unsupported, it is serving a higher purpose (the experience serves as keys to connecting with source). I use the metaphor of key quite often in my work, for we are unlocking a mystery!
I have hinted at my beliefs and ideas in posts since this blogs inception. But, I have not been outwardly sharing my spiritual ideas, because much of my thinking is on the fringe, and is repressed in a seemingly religious world, that is afraid of ghosts, fairies, elves, unicorns, witches, and wizards (to name a few), yet at the core of all religions is a belief in the otherworldly, godly, and divine...the supernatural, which is part of the wonder and mystery of life. I play with concepts of the fictional world in fact being reality, for I have come to believe that reality exists in layers, metaphors, and symbols. Which means that many times, we have to look beyond the surface, to what lies underneath, in order to discern, what in fact is truth.
This post is meant to shift the direction of this blog, into a more erudite and spiritual realm, although I will continue to post on the mundane, I thought a disclaimer was needed for what is to come ;)
Dream, Love, Believe...JYN
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